#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2007 Brandon Sterne # Licensed under the MIT license. # http://brandon.sternefamily.net/files/mit-license.txt # CIDR Block Converter - 2007 import sys, re # convert an IP address from its dotted-quad format to its # 32 binary digit representation def ip2bin(ip): b = "" inQuads = ip.split(".") outQuads = 4 for q in inQuads: if q != "": b += dec2bin(int(q),8) outQuads -= 1 while outQuads > 0: b += "00000000" outQuads -= 1 return b # convert a decimal number to binary representation # if d is specified, left-pad the binary number with 0s to that length def dec2bin(n,d=None): s = "" while n>0: if n&1: s = "1"+s else: s = "0"+s n >>= 1 if d is not None: while len(s) "myStrin" but "myString"[:0] -> "" # if a subnet of 32 was specified simply print the single IP if subnet == 32: print bin2ip(baseIP) # for any other size subnet, print a list of IP addresses by concatenating # the prefix with each of the suffixes in the subnet else: ipPrefix = baseIP[:-(32-subnet)] for i in range(2**(32-subnet)): print bin2ip(ipPrefix+dec2bin(i, (32-subnet))) # input validation routine for the CIDR block specified def validateCIDRBlock(b): # appropriate format for CIDR block ($prefix/$subnet) p = re.compile("^([0-9]{1,3}\.){0,3}[0-9]{1,3}(/[0-9]{1,2}){1}$") if not p.match(b): print "Error: Invalid CIDR format!" return False # extract prefix and subnet size prefix, subnet = b.split("/") # each quad has an appropriate value (1-255) quads = prefix.split(".") for q in quads: if (int(q) < 0) or (int(q) > 255): print "Error: quad "+str(q)+" wrong size." return False # subnet is an appropriate value (1-32) if (int(subnet) < 1) or (int(subnet) > 32): print "Error: subnet "+str(subnet)+" wrong size." return False # passed all checks -> return True return True def printUsage(): print "Usage: ./cidr.py /\n e.g. ./cidr.py" + \ "\n e.g. ./cidr.py 192.168.1/24" def main(): # get the CIDR block from the command line args try: cidrBlock = sys.argv[1] # if not specified on the CLI -> prompt the user for CIDR block except: cidrBlock = raw_input("CIDR Block: ") # input validation returned an error if not validateCIDRBlock(cidrBlock): printUsage() # print the user-specified CIDR block else: printCIDR(cidrBlock) if __name__ == "__main__": main()